Archive for Vanity Plates

Ill Advised Vanity Plates

S'Marci's - Inspired by the Gershwin Song

S’Marci’s – Inspired by the Gershwin Song

As you see, I have certainly fallen into that trap of personalized license plates. I wanted vanity plates back in the day when I was driving a red Toyota Celica. It was my first NEW car and the first car I ever paid for completely on my own.

I loved that car, but I soon got tired of complete strangers calling me by my name or for those in the know, serenading me with the George Gershwin song S’Wonderful.

As ill advised as my personalized license plates were, I’ve seen far worse. I’ve only recently started snapping photos. I’m sure I’ll capture plenty more in time and I’ll be sure to post them. In the meantime, perhaps you can tell me what people are thinking with these…

Greek hero or social disease?

Greek hero or social disease?







This guy is advertising for dates. Something tells me it's not working.

This guy is advertising for dates. Something tells me it’s not working.









Can you enlighten me with what he's trying to say?

Can you enlighten me with what he’s trying to say?









Okay, maybe this works for her?

Okay, maybe this works for her?








A good reminder

A good reminder